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Masculine Scents: Essential Oil Blends for Men


We have been getting a lot of questions about men using essential oils and butters, bath bombs or drops, and the shaving butters or soaps, and what type to get for them. 
Obviously the truth is that YOU will know what you like or what your mate smells best in or prefers as a personal scent. But in an effort to be objective and reply to your inquiries, we offer this page as a bit of helpful advice on the topic. 
After years at this and polling our men with afew basic questions we have compiled a list of what scents the majority of men have come back to us with for " Likes" and "Dislikes" &  their 

usage preferences in the essential oil area of their grooming and everyday hygiene department.



Cedarwood (any variety, but slightly prefer Virginia or Texas over Atlas)
ANY conifer oil (black spruce (especially), Eastern hemlock, Canada Balsam, Fir, etc. --- some of the pine needle oils can smell a bit "turpentiney", though)
Spices (particularly coriander seed --- LOVE that one! --- and black pepper blended with others)
Bay Laurel - Cedar Leaf - Balsum
Rosemary (OK, but not as nice as the fresh herb)
Patchouli (very nice in low dilution --- but if too strong, it is VERY funky)
Vetiver (same as for Patchouli)
Citrus (orange, mandarin, grapefruit, lemon, lime)
Ylang ylang

Do NOT Like:

Most florals, particular strong rose (but note the two florals above that were okay.) --- With Lavender men tend to like it, or tolerate it better, for its relaxing quality, in bath bombs, oils and even in their sheets or pillows for a restful night. ( try adding a few drops to the spin cycle of the washing machine or on one of your dryer sheets near end of the dry cycle.) 

Anything like Violet Leaf (nasty!), or in particular Petitgrain. One went so far as to say:  
(I absolutely CANNOT stand this one --- like a spike going through my brain!)

Bergamot --- although I like all the other citruses, I find this one repulsive and bizarre, even in very low dilutions (as for Petitgrain)

Cypress --- tried two different samples, found both of them unpleasantly sharp, and too similar to turpentine. They associate scents like this with the garage for some odd reason.

Galbanum --- I could not find, and cannot imagine, any appealing aromatic use for this foul, sulfurous, highly unpleasant oil!

Anything that smells "powdery", like baby powder --- it seems a LOT of hygiene or perfumery products geared to the ladies are reminiscent of this smell, but I am not sure just what gives them this kind of aroma. It is very off-putting to me.

What benefits do essential oils bring to a man's grooming regime?


In terms of skincare, tea tree is a great multi-tasking essential oil. It’s an effective natural antiseptic and antifungal product and can be applied directly onto insect bites, stings or blemishes to help heal skin imperfection.


Tea tree is also great for oily skin, especially when used in a blend with lemon and lavender oils.

Furthermore, tea tree is useful in eliminating dandruff, and helps to purify the scalp easing flaky skin and irritation. Simply add two drops to every 5ml of your shampoo.


Additionally, it can be used post-shave, as its antibacterial properties help to keep spots at bay. Apply two drops neat to any cuts or imperfections.


What should I look for when buying an essential oil?

Buy the highest quality oil possible. Ideally, go for something that’s either certified as organic by the Soil Association or sourced from its natural habitat around the world. Look out for pure essential oils that do not contain any synthetic fragrances, chemicals, parabens, or animal ingredients.


What are the golden rules when using essential oils on the skin?

Only two essential oils can be applied directly onto the skin: tea tree oil and lavender oil. All others need to be diluted with carrier oils before being applied to the skin.

If your skin is sensitive, buy a pre-blended essential oil product and patch test a little of it on the inside of your arm, leave overnight and check for any reactions (like redness). If nothing appears it should be fine to use.


Can I use essential oils as an alternative to fragrance?

Yes, absolutely. They are a lot more subtle than commercial perfumes, but don’t last as long, due to the lack of preservatives and mix of chemicals.


The simplest way to make your natural fragrance is to blend essential oils into a vegetable oil such as jojoba. Blending your scent is a matter of preference, but here are some simple examples to get you started:

The energy booster
Tropical zest blend 4 drops lime, 2 drops ginger, 4 drops sandalwood

The brain trainer
Wake-up blend 4 drops rosemary, 4 drops lemon, 2 drops peppermint


The chill-out scent
Sensual blend 2 drops patchouli, 4 drops sandalwood, 4 drops cedarwood

How to use it : 

Take a clean glass bottle and measure 20ml (4tsp) jojoba oil. Choose your fragrance blend and add to your bottle of oil. Shake and it’s ready to use. These blends are 2.5% dilution, which are safe to use on your body, but not your face. If you have sensitive skin, then reduce the numbers of drops of essential oil by half.


What's the best product to massage into muscles post-workout?

A Peppermint, Spearmint, and or a Grapefruit blend used in a Shea Butter or massage Oil is ideal for helping to revive muscles and joints after workouts, sports or general exercise. Alternatively, if you fancy making your own muscle rub, just add 4 drops of black pepper oil, 4 drops of ginger and 2 drops of lavender to 20ml of base oil. A great oil is Vitamin E or Vitamin A, Olive Oil, ( yes  I said Oilve Oil), or a sweet Almond Oil.

** Note** Be aware of nut allerigies and the dangers of use so we say it is a MUST to check first with the man before making a purchase for them, or for men making a purchase, do a patch test on a small area of your arm or wrist and wait 15 - 30 minutes to be sure it is okay to use.

Real Men Love Essential Oils Like Power Tools

Essential oils and essential oil-based products promote a level of well being that has been lost in our era of the “cheap fix.” Real men love essential oils because essential oils are power tools!

I’m not entirely sure why, but, in many families, it seems women are more interested in issues of health and wellness than their husbands. While Mom talks about salads and organic chicken, Dad winks at the kids and sings of hamburgers and French fries.

I won’t venture into my theories of why this is, or talk too much about why it shouldn’t be this way; but, I will say there is hope for the men in your life. Men should be leading their families in all that is good and healthy, and that includes physical health and wellness…and even essential oils!

Maybe it’s because we who understand (and embrace the fact) that men and women are different have seen this modern Fred Flintstone phenomenon among men and just chalked it all up to the differences between men and women. As if women like what is good, healthy, and natural and men like what is bad, unhealthy and synthetic.


How insulting to men! I think we’ve been looking at it all wrong. Maybe some men have too!

Essential oils aren’t feminine; they are tools—tools the Creator gave to us at Creation to accomplish many tasks. (Did you hear that guys? Tools—power tools!)


Essential oils were also used by the officers of the Roman army. On the eve of a battle, the officers were massaged with a special blend of essential oils (this recipe is what Young Living’s blend, Valor, is based on). The aroma of the oils would calm their nerves and help them to focus their thoughts as they prepared for their martial duties. I suspect the oils did much more for their stamina and state of mind than we even realize!


In the modern era, it was a French chemist René-Maurice Gattefossé, who rediscovered the powerful properties of essential oils. His work has been instrumental in bringing these gifts into modern focus.


When I first started using essential oils about 12 years ago, friends and family used to tease me about my “snake oils.” But guess who got the last laugh when they started to see that they worked?


Slowly, they began to come to me asking if I had an oil for this or that. Then I started to hear the men telling other people, “Oh, I bet Tina has an oil for that!.” They all discovered that essential oils were more than scented hippie oils!

Essential oils and essential oil-based products promote a level of well being that has been lost in our era of the “cheap fix.” Real men love essential oils because essential oils are power tools!


With the cost of health insurance on the rise men have discovered just like women have, that many essential oils can relieve the aches and pains of sore muscles, without added health side effects and in a lot of the cases, much faster and more effectively. Athletes thrive on  using them. 

Essentials Oils for Athletes - Muscle Ache's & Bonus Remedies

Using Basil: 

The following tips are from athletes who use natural aromatic compounds for pre and post events. Check out these natural solutions for stability and endurance.

  • Runners have had luck with rubbing down large muscles with Peppermint, Marjoram and Spearmint before running races.

  • An Aromatherapy rubdown treatment before and/or after a meet can be helpful for large muscles. Include legs in the treatment also.

  • Use Peppermint oil on large muscles before long runs.

  • Some athletes like to use Peppermint essential oil to improve breathing. Apply 4-5 drops to the chest to open airways and increase oxygen flow.* Do this 5 minutes before exercise or event.

  • Physical soreness after exercise – mix in palm Basil 3 drops, White Fir 2 drops, Lavender 3 drops and apply for quick relief. Prior to exertion apply Balance to the low back and back of neck so that Energy flow is clear and focused on the sport – for swimming apply 15 minutes prior to jumping into the water to be effective.*


  • Before you exercise for muscle tone: Basil 4 drops, Cypress 3 drops, Rosemary 3 drops, Lavender 3 drops, coconut oil 8 drops; combine in bottle, gently shake and apply to muscles prior to exercise to enhance muscle tone and minimize soreness.

Using Peppermint: 

  • Energy and Mood Enhancement: Inhale Peppermint oil before and during a workout to boost your mood and increase energy.
    — Relieve indigestion, gas, or nausea (yeah, I’m talking to you, nervous racer!)
    — Relieve a headache
    — Increase mental alertness and concentration
    — Smell of peppermint has been shown to reduce perceived effort
    — Relieve aches and pains such as those brought on by arthritis and carpal tunnel, or…RUNNING!

  • Marjoram may be relaxing and calming to the muscles.   Apply to muscles before and after exercising.*

  • After-Sports Bath: Lavender 3 drops, Roman Chamomile 2, drops Marjoram 2 drops, Helichrysum 1 drop.

  • Soothe Muscles:

    • Option 1:  Coconut oil 1 teaspoon, Marjoram 3 drops, Lavender 4 drops, Thyme 4 drops, Peppermint 4 drops; gently mix blend and apply to sore areas.

    • Option 2: Coconut Oil 1 tablespoon, Marjoram 4 drops, Geranium 5 drops, Frankincense 3 drops, Clove 2 drops, Peppermint 4 drops.

  • Post-Workout Rub: Coconut Oil 1 ounce, Marjoram Oil 3 drops, Thyme Oil 2 drops, Roman Chamomile 4 drops, Lemon oil 3 drops, Cypress oil 4 drops, Peppermint oil 2 drops. Mix gently and massage the mixture into your muscles and joints to prevent stiffness and enhance training.*

Using Marjoram Oils

  • We have all heard about the soothing qualties but what about these uses ? 

          — Wonderful stress relieving and relaxation properties are helpful for pre-race night sleep
          —  Aids in soothing cuts/bruises, as well as speeding up recovery and healing time
          — One of the holy trinity of oils that allergy sufferers swear by for relief without a pill

Using Lavender Oils

  • Y’all have heard Tina recommend lemon water for its great cleansing and uplifting benefits.
    Lemon EO is incredible because you can take it neat, without diluting it in a carrier oil, internally for wonderful benefits. 
    — 2-3 drops in glass of water, 1-3 times a day can provide detoxifying effects for your body
    — Shown to have anti-depressant effects, great for rest days when you miss the runner’s high
    — Cure for athlete’s foot
    — Stimulate the immune system (important since training wears you down)

Using Lemon Oils

Using Eucalyptus Oils

  • Not only does the scent of Eucalyptus Essential Oil transport you to a spa, it also promotes health,
    well-being, purification, and healing. 
    — Inhaling it can support healthy respiratory function
    — A few drops on the chest can help with asthma attacks
    — In a spray bottle can help with cooling the body {hello summer training!}
    — Wake up the body after traveling for destination races
    — Reduces inflammation in strained and fatigued muscles

  • Last but Not Least - The One I Get Asked the Most About = The "Man Feet" Relief You Crave

Essential Oils for Happy Toes and Feet Serum: 

  • 20 drops Geranium Essential Oil

  • 20 drops Lavender Essential Oil

  • 20 drops Melaleuca/tea tree Essential Oil

  • 20 drops Oregano Essential Oil

You can use a small, plastic or preferably glass, spray bottle if you’re uncomfortable with the thought of adding this to an empty roller bottle and rolling something on your feet.

Though, in my experience, nothing, ( germ or fungus wise )  has survived on a roller ball top or bottle thanks to the essential oils.)

If you get any on your hands, wash your hands with soap and water or dilute it with coconut oil. This is optional of course, but I find that if I don’t do one or the other, I end up absentmindedly rubbing essential oil in my eyes.


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