​​By far the best for us is what
is time tested as Natural. Essential Oils Always!
Ready to start using essential oils? Read this first!
Essential oils have completely changed my life – and trust me, I was a skeptic when I was first introduced to them.
I mean, seriously, how could sniffing a scent or rubbing an oil on my skin help to improve my health or wellbeing?
Before I explain why essential oils are so great, you might be wondering what they actually are!
What are essential oils?
Essential oils are the oil of the plant from which they were extracted.
They’re basically concentrated herbs! They contain all the goodness that protects and maintains the plant, and we can use them to help support our own bodies’ health and wellness.
There are many different kinds of oils out there, and they all have different properties and uses. From well-known plants like Bergamot and Eucalyptus to unusual and exotic ones like Petitgrain and Spikenard, there’s an unfathomably huge range to choose from – and they each provide all sorts of different therapeutic benefits and uses.
How can essential oils help promote the health and wellbeing of you and your family?
There is ample research to support the therapeutic benefits of essential oils, but you’re probably more interested to know how essential oils have helped my loved ones and me…
When life gets busy or demanding, it tends to wear me out! Lavender and Stress Away are my go-to oils for this: they relax me, calm me down, and takes the edge off my worries. I diffuse them, put them in the bath bombs, made with epsom salt or even put a few drops on my pillow before bed.
Peppermint gets used during work too: I put it in the diffuser in my office where I work, and it helps me focus so much better and enjoy what I’m working on. It also soothes tired feet adding a deop or two into your common hand lotion or soaking your feet with Organiks Salts and warm water.
I use Rosemary drops to help support my immune system. I can’t remember the last time I felt under the weather! I also use it in my home made cleaners. SO why wouldnt I want to lie in a warm bath of it? I live for it.
After a workout, I rub peppermint mixed with coconut oil to soothe my sore muscles…and it has an immediate cooling feeling that easing tension!
Eucalyptus aids in cold seasons to clear the sinuses.
Lemon & Lemon Peel, Citrus for my joints and inflammation.
These are just a few examples, but essential oils have also replaced many everyday products that I used to spend a fortune on.
I now clean my home with oil-infused natural cleaners rather than toxic chemicals from the supermarket. We bathe in them daily even...
I cleanse my face with oil-infused natural products too. And everyone in the family benefits from using calming essential oils and dried herbs in the beds & in the diffuser's through out the rooms before bedtime!
No Need to go to War Over Oils:
There are many essential oils companies to choose from, and a rare few with a long history of more than two decades. You may even be a part of an essential oils company and so married to your oils that you won’t be dragged away without kicking and screaming.
Others have more of an open mind on using multiple companies. Now that I am learning more and more about the benefits of essential oils in my daily life routine, I have been building the arsenal for my BathOrganiks family.
There is nothing wrong with using multiple companies to build your collection
I care about the quality of the oil more than anything else.
I want the company to prove to me that their oils are as pure as they claim. When I can see for myself the top five constituents and the tests performed on each batch, I can be certain of my decision.
If a new company has pioneered brand new technology in the essential oils world, and claims the purity far surpasses any other oil on the market, I’m interested.
The Buzz

More Healthy Benefits
for your @ Home Collection of Pure Essential Oils
Benefits of Essential Oils
*Essential oils are anti-fungal, antiviral, anti-macrobial, anti-parasitic, anti-infectious, and antiseptic. Essential oils can combat infectious disease by killing off viruses, bacteria or other pathogens. Some oils have been shown to destroy all tested viruses and bacteria.
*Essential oils can act on both your mind and your body. Their aromas can be stimulating both psychologically and physically. Their aromas can also be very calming and sedating. Inhaling aromas is extremely powerful. Aromatic stimuli of your limbic system cause the release of neurotransmitters, including pain-reducing encephalin, pleasure-producing endorphins, relaxing serotonin, and stimulating noradrenaline.
*Essential oils are some of the most powerful known antioxidants. (Determined by an ORAC developed by Tuft University).
*Essential oils are capable of penetrating your cell membranes since they are lipid-soluble. According to Jean V. MD essential oils can affect every cell of the body within 20 minutes, and are then metabolized like other nutrients. An anti-biotic cannot penetrate your cell’s wall.
*Essential oils detoxify your cells and your blood.
*Essentials purify the air by eliminating odors from cooking, animals, mold, bacteria and other sources.
*Essential oils are small enough to penetrate every tissue in your skin.
According to researchers at Vienna University, essential oils stimulate blood flow, which increases your nutrient and oxygen delivery.
*Essential oils can be administered in two ways, either topically or through aromatherapy, and therapeutic grade essential oils can be ingested in certain instances. When applied topically and inhaled, essential oils are absorbed immediately into your blood stream. Oils used aromatically don’t have to go through your digestive system, so they work immediately in your body.
*The essential oils’ versatility makes them fairly inexpensive to use. One bottle goes along way and it can be used for so many different ailments. For example, an oil like lavender helps with relaxation, sleep, bug bites,excema and burns.

Added Respitory Benefits of Pink Himayan Mountains Salt Mixed with Warm Waters:
When mixed with hot water and dissolved, it is roven to aid in clearing up sinus issues and can improve any respiratory conditions you have been dealing with (including asthma).
Because these pink crystals emit negative ions, you’ll be able to attack your sinus issues with full force – without ever compromising your respiratory system (or any of your other bodily systems, for that matter).

At Bath Organiks we prefer
"Himalayan Pink Salt",
& it is wonderful!
What if I were to tell you that it is even said to support libido, reduce the signs of aging, and detoxify the body from heavy metals.
Pink Salt vs. Sea Salt
Even though pink salts come from the mountains, they are technically sea salts as well. All salt comes from a salted body of water—namely, an ocean or salt-water lake. However, Himalayan salt is said to be the purest form of sea salt.
Once upon a time (a couple of hundreds of millions of years ago) crystallized sea salt beds, now deep within the Himalayans, were covered by lava. Aside from being kept it in a pristine environment that has been surrounded by snow and ice year round, the lava is thought to have protected the salt from modern-day pollution leading to the belief that Himalayan Pink salt is the purest salt to be found on earth. It is now hand-mined from the mountains and brought to the culinary & essentials market.
Why Pink?
The many hues of pink, red and white are an indication of this salt’s rich and varying mineral and energy-rich iron content.
In the same manner that vitamins and minerals are perfectly packaged in fruits and vegetables, because this salt was formed naturally the minerals within the sodium work in synergy.
(Synergy is the interaction of multiple elements in a system to produce an effect different from or greater than the sum of their individual effects.)
Iodine- Natural salts are rich in iodine, so it doesn’t need to be artificially added in.
Less sodium consumed per serving- Himalayan salt is made of the same components as table salt but since the crystal structure is larger than refined salt, and by volume- this salt therefore has LESS sodium per 1/4 t. serving- because the sea salt crystals or flakes take up less room on a teaspoon than highly refined tiny table salt grains.
Packs a hearty 80+ minerals and elements- Himalayan salts are mineral packed crystals which formed naturally within the earth made up of 85.62% sodium chloride and 14.38% other trace minerals including: sulphate, magnesium, calcium, potassium, bicarbonate, bromide, borate, strontium, and fluoride (in descending order of quantity).
Because of these minerals Himalayan pink salt can:
Increases hydration in dry skin cells
Regulate water content both inside and outside the body & within cells
Balance pH (alkaline/acidity) and helps to reduce acid buildup
Helps prevent muscle cramping
Aid in proper metabolism functioning
Strengthen bone density
Aids in Lowerer blood pressure
Helps the intestines absorb nutrients
Aids in prevention of goiters
Improves circulation
Dissolves and aids in elimination of toxins

A natural and ridiculously pure mineral substance (the cleanest and purest form found anywhere in the world), that is pink and gathered from the Himalayan Mountains has been used for thousands and thousands of years as a natural medicine and therapeutic cure!
The ancients understood just how powerful and potent this mineral truly was, and knew – immediately – that it was far different from the typical salts that they were cultivating from mines or from the ocean.
Because it was originally sourced only from a handful of spots tucked away in the Himalayan mountain range, it became amazingly and immensely valuable – and continues to be valuable today!
Used effectively as an all-natural remedy at a number of occasions, there is a real reason why words about its power has spread for thousands of years.